
Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Groningen Protocol

Posted at A Time For Choosing

For those of you who have not heard, death by committee has arrived in the Netherlands via the "Groningen Protocol". I became aware of this story via a screaming red headline on the Drudge Report two days ago. The Netherlands, one of the only countries in the world to legalize euthanasia, has now decided to allow the killing of children who are deemed unworthy of life due to any number of various illnesses or deformities.

The decision it seems, is made by a committee of medical professionals. If this committee deems the child to be suffering, then they have the ability to end it's life. The protocol is to be used primarily on infants, but covers any child to the age of 12. It is also important to note that the parents role in the decision is very limited, their opinion is considered but the doctors make the final decision.

The story seems like a bad horror movie, but it is true, and the killing has already begun in the Netherlands. The debate is being tied into the overall debate about adult euthanasia, but the killing of children who are incapable of deciding for themselves is far different than even the controversial practice of assisted suicide of consenting adults.

This was the next logical step in the evolution of abortion. When a society is willing to abort a perfectly healthy and viable child at 8.5 months, it is not a leap to assume that any child deemed unworthy of life after birth would be subject to termination. This is, in fact the argument of Peter Singer, a radical Australian "ethicist". He has argued for years that parents should be allowed to "terminate" the life of a child legally until a certain age after birth. This nightmare has become reality in the Netherlands, and it will surely be practiced by other European countries soon, if it isn't already. How long until the abortion lobby in the United States picks up this argument?

To this point the main stream media has ignored the story, as has much of the blogoshpere I am sad to report. As Drudge is read by millions of people each day, including the major players in network news, it can be assumed that the media is fully aware of this story, but has decided not to cover it. Why they have decided not to cover the story is open to speculation.

Mark D. Roberts has some very useful links on the topic on his blog, and Hugh Hewitt has discussed the protocol on his radio show and has blogged about it on his site. This is a story that all conservative bloggers who believe in the sanctity of life should make known to as many people as possible. Normally the blogoshere is ahead of the curve, but there is an obvious reluctance to talk about this issue. Are we too wrapped up in holiday cheer to involve ourselves in one of the most important issues of our time?

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