
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Just When I Think I Like Blogger ...

I was making a minor modification to my "Friends" links this morning, and when I tried to save the new code, I couldn't get Blogger to accept the change. It just wouldn't do anything. So, when I went back this afternoon to try to save the changes, everything was a mess.

I have had to reselect the template, but all my modifications are gone, and if I can't find my code files, I have to start all over.

I apologize for the confusion, and hope to have things back the way I want them before long.


Unknown said...


Well, hell... I guess we get what we pay for!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

James Shott said...

Yeah, MMA, I guess we do, indeed.

James Shott said...

i e p: The Washington Post piece might have had a serious point somewhere among all that intolerant and ignorant blather, but it go lost in all that intolerant and ignorant blather.

At least The Onion recognizes that the Constitution "... is a sacred and unalterable document whose interpretation is not subject to the whims of society and changing social context."

Sort of.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the Onion was making fun of Scalia's stance that our nation is not allowed to "evolve", if you will.

Anonymous said...

He makes a valid point

James Shott said...

RE: Onion: I know. But they cited the relevant part of the Constitution that Scalia recognizes as compelling, and many of the other Justices do not.

RE: venganza. org, the page would not load. I tried two different browsers, but the connection was refused.

Thanks anyway. Maybe it'll work later.