Democrats are taking a beating, according to polls over the last two weeks, showing that the American people are less than enchanted with one-party control of Congress and the White House.
A USA Today/Gallop poll from August 27 – 30 reflects that 78 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States, while only 20 percent of the respondents were satisfied.The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll taken July 16-21 asked, "Which of the following is the most important issue facing the country today?” “The economy” topped the list by a huge 34-point margin (47 percent to 13 percent) over “the federal budget deficit” in second place, with illegal immigration, health care, the Iraq and Afghan wars, education, terrorism, energy and environmental policies all following far behind in the single-digits.
USA Today/Gallop also shows that Americans believe Republicans would do a better job of dealing with seven of nine major issues. While the poll shows Democrats are thought better able to address Health Care (44 to 43) and the Environment (54 to 31), Republicans are better able to deal with Terrorism (55 to 31), Immigration (50-35), Federal Spending (50 to 35), The Economy (49 to 38), Jobs (46 to 41), Afghanistan (45 to 38) and Corruption (30 to 35).
President Obama’s job approval numbers over the last couple of weeks show Mr. Obama bobbing back and forth with an approval rating as high as 50 percent in the CNN/Opinion Research poll taken September 1 and 2, and as low as 45 percent in the Ipsos/Reuters poll taken August 19 – 22. The latter poll reflected the widest spread, seven points, between approval and disapproval.
What kind of a job is the President doing keeping his important campaign promises, a CNN/Opinion Research poll asked? A “Good Job,” said 51 percent of the respondents to the September 1 – 2 poll, while 47 percent said a “Poor Job.”
With about seven weeks until the mid-term election on November 2nd, the Democrats are in deep trouble, and seem not to notice that they are completely out of step with the desires of their constituents.
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