
Saturday, February 19, 2022

The federal government is growing more intrusive under Joe Biden

First, the FBI was instructed to go after parents who are concerned about their children’s education. This followed news of meetings of school boards where parents spoke out about elements of their children’s education that were at odds with traditional educational curricula.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo that called for the FBI and DOJ to “address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel.” This move was described by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton as an excuse to target parents who are opposed to Critical Race Theory, also known as CRT, and other left-wing teaching materials. This, he said, was done at the behest of a prominent liberal education group, the National School Boards Association.

Fitton said that the memo “compared these parents to domestic terrorists and suggested using the Patriot Act to target them,” and that the Biden DOJ is “targeting average Americans going to school board meetings and complaining about Marxist propaganda brainwashing going on in our nation’s schools.”

“Just like that, you had AG Garland essentially issue an all hands on deck command to the national security establishment to target parents that were ‘threatening’ school board members,” Fitton continued. This move, he said, is “designed to intimidate parents [who are critical] of critical race theory extremism, transgender agenda extremism and the other threats to the safety, security and privacy of their children.”

In doing this, the federal government is attacking a basic operation of our democracy — freedom of speech — he concluded.

While parents were angry that schools had inserted lessons on topics that they not only disagreed with, but were unaware of — and rightly so — there was little evidence of actual violence or real threats to the safety of any school board members or school personnel.

Perhaps Garland, as the nation’s top law enforcement officer and a former judge, is unaware of the state and local law enforcement agencies that actually have jurisdiction in such matters, were there to be evidence of actual violence or intimidation.

Then the Department of Homeland Security sent agents to California in case some truckers decided to form a protest near the stadium where the Super Bowl was to be played, and "potentially block roads in major metropolitan cities" protesting vaccine mandates and other issues.

As reported by ABC7 in Los Angeles, “The agency said the convoy could begin in Southern California as early as this weekend, possibly disrupting traffic around Super Bowl LVI, and reach Washington in March in time for the State of the Union,” citing an Associated Press bulletin.

The report continued, saying, “The White House says the department is ‘surging additional staff’ to the Super Bowl, just in case (emphasis added).”

This action was taken before any actual trouble occurred, and without being asked by local authorities for help. Yet again, the federal government inserts itself into local/regional events, ignoring that there are local law enforcement agencies that could and should address them.

For a protest to make a difference, it must get the attention of those who have implemented the subject of the protest. The Canadian trucker protest has done that, significantly hindering the delivery of needed materials. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has only dug in his heels, refusing to lift the mandates the truckers oppose, despite the problems the protest has caused.

All the while one of the federal government’s legitimate and major areas of concern — the southern border — has been ignored, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to enter the country with little or no involvement by federal authorities, other than assisting them in getting into the country through its reckless border policy of inaction. And then flying and busing them in the dark of night around the country to unsuspecting American cities and towns.

“We the people” are fed up with lots of things these days. Government overreach, at all levels, has finally put that last straw on the camel’s back. Resistance to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports has caused a mass protest in Canada and a significant protest in France, as well as some other countries.

Here in the U.S. many are fed up with the continued forced wearing of masks, particularly for young school children. This begs the question: Do masks really work? Well, some do and some don’t. 

For the purposes of stemming the spread of Covid, cloth masks — a very common choice — do not work. But any mask excels in harming the health and development of young children. And vaccines also do not work to prevent catching and spreading the virus.

Where the wearing of masks and getting vaccinated are concerned, that is where the defensive statement “my body, my choice” actually is relevant.

Over-the-top denial of people’s freedoms to ostensibly fight the Covid virus has at last passed the threshold, and people are standing up to the authoritarian control policies of federal, local, and state governments. 

A major benefit of the United States is the guarantee of a broad array of personal freedoms. Seeking those freedoms led to the war against Great Britain that allowed the colonies to establish the most free nation in history, and many Americans are unwilling to let that go.

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