
Saturday, June 04, 2022

Predictions from the past are coming true right before our eyes

In 1965, Paul Harvey delivered a commentary titled “If I Were the Devil” that predicted the future spiritual condition of the United States. In 2020, the Washington Examiner ran a commentary by Gary Bauer titled “How to destroy America from within” that also predicted the future of the country.

Both of them did a good job of describing the current disorder in the United States and its continued movement in that direction.

A recent TikTok video is going viral. In it an unidentified woman expresses her concerns about what is wrong with our country, and how it has changed from when she was younger.

Many may not agree with some things she says, or any of it. And it is certain to have been banned or earned a warning label on Twitter or Facebook for its “inappropriate” opinions. 

But the concept of free speech makes things like this important for distribution on social media platforms, despite its unpopularity with social media oligarchs. Having a broad array of ideas to consider is critical to our future.

“I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America,” she began. “At least not the one I’ve known all my life. I’ve never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home, and I was privileged to be born here. 

“But today I woke up and when I had my morning coffee I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what. Something evil has invaded our nation. Our lives are never going to be the same.”

She then began listing things that trouble her. The hostility of people, including family and friends, who now agree with opinions they never would have expressed as their own before.

The “insanity” of men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men, along with the requirement that everyone accept that.

Making 18 the legal voting age, but being 21 to buy alcohol. The idea that people who never went to college, or who managed to pay their acquired college loan debt, now having their tax dollars pay the huge debts of some college graduates who are not able, or don’t want to do it.

The crazy situation where people like doctors and engineers from other countries have to endure a long, arduous process to immigrate here. But literally anyone can walk or sneak across the southern border, and be welcomed with open arms, whether they be gang members, drug dealers, or infected with Covid, or other horrible diseases.

And yet, spending $5 billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but spending $1.5 trillion for free healthcare is good. And, as a few folks recently discovered, if you cheat to get your kid into college, you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you may go to college for free.

Suddenly, the rights of criminals are more important than those of law-abiding citizens. After being arrested for a crime, they must be released to commit more crimes. And if you complain about this, you are called a racist.

“People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female president,” she said. “We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us. Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.”

“Nothing makes sense anymore. No values, no morals, and no civility, “she said, as she began her conclusion. “We’re clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong, and wrong is right. Where moral is immoral, and immoral is moral. Where good is evil and evil is good. Where killing murderers is evil, but killing unborn babies is A-OK.

“Wake up, America. The great unsinkable ship, Titanic America, has hit an iceberg, is taking on water, and is sinking fast. Speak up.”

So much of what our Founders created and enabled America to do so well for so long, is crumbling beneath our feet. Those who don’t know that, don’t understand how good they have it, or just dislike what America is, are working so hard to transform the country into one more failed socialist state.

Harvey said that the Devil’s plan was to attack and destroy religion in the country as the first step in taking the nation down. While we still have several religions, the results of the anti-religion movement can be seen in the moral decay of our culture. 

Weakening the education system, changing how and what children are taught, is the way Bauer’s column begins. And today, many teachers, schools and school systems have been caught red-handed doing just that.

Defunding the police and the military were mentioned, as well as a news media that is largely ideologically driven, rather than honorably doing its vital job of presenting all the news without political or ideological bias.

Younger generations have not been taught why maintaining the “old ways” is important, and now the great country we grew up in is in peril.

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