
Thursday, July 04, 2024

The Biden-Trump debate was certainly an eye-opening experience

July 2, 2024

Last week we saw what Republicans, conservatives and those who don’t favor Joe Biden winning the election in November have been saying for a good while. The debate between President Joe Biden and former-President Donald Trump was such a stark demonstration of Biden’s troubled mental state that his Democrat supporters and media supporters are now saying publicly that he should drop out as the Democrat candidate.

The televised debate showed that the deceivers are those in the media, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and others who accused Biden critics of presenting false evidence of his mental decline by editing videos to show him losing his train of thought, mis-speaking, and wandering around aimlessly.

There for everyone to see on live TV — not just in this country, but across the globe — was Biden revealing his troubled mental state, and showing everyone not just why he must not be re-elected, but also the danger he currently poses as President of the United States.

Biden supporters in the media immediately reacted to his poor performance, with the following comments from some of them.

A former Obama adviser, one who knows Biden close up, Van Jones, who now is a CNN political commentator spoke from a personal viewpoint. "I just want to speak from my heart," Jones said. "I love that guy. That’s a good man. He loves his country. He’s doing the best that he can, but he had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence of the country and of the base. And he failed to do that. And there’s a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now."

Addressing what happens next, Jones said, "We’re still far from our convention, and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward, if he will allow us to do that. But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden, and it’s personally painful for a lot of people. It’s not just panic, it’s pain of what we saw tonight." 

Columnist Thomas Friedman, who is reportedly a close friend of the President, wrote a column bearing the headline, "Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race."

"I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime — precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election," he wrote. 

"The Biden family and political team must gather quickly and have the hardest of conversations with the president, a conversation of love and clarity and resolve," Friedman continued. "To give America the greatest shot possible of deterring the Trump threat in November, the president has to come forward and declare that he will not be running for re-election and is releasing all of his delegates for the Democratic National Convention."

MSNBC’s Joy Reid had the following reaction: "The people who were texting with me were very concerned about President Biden seeming extremely feeble, seeming extremely weak. Joe Biden’s job was to reassure them tonight. His job was to calm his party, to make them feel that, ‘Yes, I can do this. I have four more years in me. I have the ability and the stamina and the strength to do four more' … He did not do that. He did the opposite of that."

The New York Times, an avid supporter of the Democrats and Joe Biden, published the position of its editorial board on Biden’s performance. "President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy," the editorial said. "Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year."

The Times is correct about the critical stakes in this year’s election. However, it has the matter of who is the threat to the country upside-down. It is Biden and the Democrats that represent tyranny and a threat to the future of our country, not Trump and the Republicans. 

The Democrats and socialists are who want to change history by pushing Critical Race Theory, and the 1619 Project. It is they that promote changing the names of buildings, streets and military bases with the “wrong” name from our history. It is they that want to pack the Supreme Court with liberal/socialist justices who will make law from the bench, and protect their one-party rule.

It is Trump and the Republicans who are, and who have been for years, fighting to sustain the America that our Founders created, which in its original form has led the world in so many good ways for so long. It is those on the right who want to protect the freedoms and independence provided to each of us in the Constitution.

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