
Thursday, August 08, 2024

The new attack on Trump is as weak as previous attacks on him

August 6, 2024

Donald Trump’s enemies have gone to great lengths to prevent him from being elected for a second term as our President. He has been charged with crimes, one of which was, according to several respected legal authorities, based on some of the weakest and most politically motivated factors they have ever seen. 

That charge was based upon a misdemeanor on which the statute of limitations had expired, but which a “persecutor” finagled to combine it with federal statutes in order to create a “crime.”

Another charge — the mishandling of federal records— is one for which someone else who clearly has mishandled records has not been charged. That person is our current President, Joe Biden. And it has been ruled that this prosecutor was improperly appointed, thereby damaging the case.

More recently Trump has been linked to Project 2025, a road map to modify the functions of the federal government produced by the Heritage Foundation. Trump, however, some time ago distanced himself from it. 

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it,” Trump commented on social media. “The Radical Left Democrats are having a field day, however, trying to hook me into whatever policies are stated or said.”

Apparently, however, some of Trump’s associates have been involved in Project 2025. But that does not mean that Trump is involved, or even a supporter.

At a press conference recently, his first solo presser of the year, Biden asked, “Do you think democracy is under siege based on Project 2025? Do you think [Trump] means what he says when he says he’s going to do away with the civil service, eliminate the Department of Education? … We’ve never been here before.”

“Folks, Project 2025 is the biggest attack on our system of government and on our personal freedom that’s ever been proposed in the history of this country,” Biden said, alleging that Project 2025 “is run and paid for by Trump people” and is “a blueprint for a second Trump.”

He said it would unleash a “nightmare” on the country if Trump is elected and implements it. “Another four years of Donald Trump is deadly serious. Project 2025 is deadly serious,” Biden said, saying it is a threat to American values.

“It’s bone-chilling. It’s un-American. It’s dangerous for our democracy,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY. “It lays groundwork for a national abortion ban, defunding law enforcement, empowering Big Oil, and silencing his opponents.”

These two have expressed the fear that Trump might reinstate the good situation that Biden himself trashed as soon as he took office.

None of the attacks on Trump and Project 2025 should surprise anyone. It is a common political strategy to attack the opponent’s positions. Those attacks are always strong, even to the point of exaggeration. And quite often, outright untruths.

For a different view on the project, here is some of what the Washington Examiner had to say: “The campaign strategy is in step with broader messaging on the threat to democracy that Democrats say Trump poses. But Project 2025 has only recently gained widespread awareness.”

“The 900-page framework was first introduced in April 2023 and includes bolstering executive branch power while dismantling some federal agencies, as well as vetting government employees on their loyalty before being hired,” the Examiner story continues.

It then quotes Rep. Joe Neguse, D-CO, as saying, “Project 2025, as I’m sure you know and Americans are learning each and every day, is a pernicious, dangerous point that Republicans have been very clear they intend to implement if given the opportunity.” Neguse, the assistant Democrat leader in the House, added that, “It will impact every aspect of American life.”

Given the substantial and frequently detrimental changes to our original system over the years, particularly by recent administrations, and also those planned by current Democrats, the country needs substantial changes to get back to where it was when the nation was at its best.

A small, efficient and not excessively expensive government was the original design, and that is what we need to get back to as soon as possible. Project 2025 may have some debatable aspects, but it takes effective steps in that direction.

Naturally, that idea is at odds with the current liberal motives to fundamentally transform the United States of America into just one more unimaginative, less free, and less successful country that is on the path to a horrid one world government, or a world planned by the socialist and Marxist elites.

In short, what Project 2025 and the Trump organization want to achieve is to restore so much of the country’s original and better aspects. But the “progressive” opposition portrays that     as if their conservative opponents want to wreck the country.

However, in evaluating this wild and crazy situation, we should think about what C.S. Lewis once said: “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”

Trump and Project 2025 are trying to stop those running toward the cliff.

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