
Thursday, September 19, 2024

The United States of America: Is it a democracy, or not?

September 17, 2024

An article on the Analyzing America website goes into a good bit of detail about America’s status as a democracy. Much of that article follows.

“A CNN reporter addressed Trump supporters calling the U.S. a republic as an ‘attack on democracy,’ sparking a debate on the country’s governance. 

Historian Anne Applebaum emphasized America as a democratic nation, attributing doubts to Trump’s influence and narrative. 

“The discussion delved into the constitutional definition of a republic, historical views on democracy, and the distinction between forms of governance. 

“‘America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy,’ Applebaum said.

‘I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road, but to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots, say that America is not a democracy, that stopped me in my tracks,’ CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan said.

“‘You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who’ve been planting that narrative,’ Applebaum said.

“‘Honestly, the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably,’ Applebaum said. ‘There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.’

“‘If they can convince people that we don’t have a democracy, then it’s okay that Trump is attacking democracy, because it doesn’t really matter,’ Applebaum added. 

“‘There is, of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the United States, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact, constitutional republic, which you heard people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy. But look, this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy, it’s an attack on democracy,’ O’Sullivan said. ‘People have heard the warnings that Trump is a danger to democracy, and therefore you have people trying to convince others that, well, the United States isn’t a democracy in the first place, and therefore Trump can’t be a threat.’”

The reality is that the U.S. is not now, and has never been, a pure democracy.

A democracy is a political system that focuses on universal equality, where the people select their rulers by a majority vote at the polls. Essentially, a 50.1 percent majority can decide what goes and what does not, and the 49.9 percent minority is at the mercy of the majority. These rulers have absolute power, and they may make whatever laws they want by a majority vote among themselves.

Similarly, a republic is a form of government more focused on individual liberty, and is ruled by representatives of the citizenry on the principle that sovereignty is with the people, not just the government. However, exactly who is considered in the category of “the people” is not a hard and fast thing that may be misused.

Our Founders saw potential problems with both of those systems in their pure form. According to Colonial Williamsburg online, a “democratic government, they feared, might dissolve into anarchy. A republican system, conversely, invited an aristocracy to rise.”

So, they decided to go with neither in its pure form, and instead designed a system which combined features of each of them, and which is superior to both: a constitutional republic.

In a constitutional republic the people also select their rulers by a majority vote at the polls. But these rulers are restricted in what they can do and how they must do it by the U.S. Constitution.

So, while the nation observes democratic principles, referring to it as a democracy is inaccurate. And criticizing those who refer to it as a republic is out of bounds, because it actually is a republic, the government of which is controlled by a constitution.

However, by criticizing those identifying the country as a republic, their effort to sell the democracy angle is somewhat advanced.

Many of those who call the country a democracy know that the term is not accurate, but wish it was. They prefer a democracy to the constitutional republic we now have.

Efforts have been underway for many years to subvert our constitutional republic and turn it into a democracy. This would provide the left the control over the rest of us that they have been so desperately seeking.

By continuing to do this, these people obscure the true system of our government. It is their hope that most Americans will go along with this mis-identification and come to regard America as a democracy. 

In doing this, the door for America to become a totalitarian state is opened, and the effort to put into the dustbin of history a government system superior to any yet devised is well underway.

All great nations eventually fall, sometimes because of actions of other nations, but also sometimes from factions within it. If that is allowed to happen to the United States of America, the likelihood of there ever being another like it is virtually nil.

Should this effort succeed, it will be due in large part to the failure of our culture, particularly the family, the education system, and the no-longer-neutral or honorable news media.

We must strongly oppose this subversive effort.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Harris changes positions to attract votes and avoids interviews

September 10, 2024

It has frequently been pointed out how the Biden-Harris administration has messed up so much during its tenure, and that Vice President Kamala Harris, as a candidate for president, has said so often that if elected she will fix things. A comment often follows, asking why she doesn’t fix things now, since she is in power.

Some of the problems she wants to fix to encourage votes in November are items that she previously supported. Among those areas, we find these flip-flops:

**On illegal Immigration, Harris wrote in 2020 that “Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won’t make us any safer.” She further called it “un-American.” As “border czar” she did nothing to control the influx of illegal aliens. However, she now has endorsed spending hundreds of millions of dollars on construction of a wall, according to The Daily Signal.

**She also campaigned against oil and natural gas fracking, saying in 2020, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Very recently, however, she said, “What I have seen is that we can grow and we can increase a thriving clean energy economy without banning fracking,”

**And while during the Biden-Harris administration a regulation came from the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation that mandates electric vehicle sales in the United States, her view on that, too, has changed. Her campaign recently announced that she “does not support an electric vehicle mandate.”

**As a U.S. senator from California, Harris favored government-run healthcare by co-sponsoring the Medicare for All legislation. But, once again, that is not her current position.

But while back-tracking on previous positions to seem less radical, Harris supports other policies that are radical and harmful.

During the anti-police riots following the death of George Floyd in 2020, Harris supported defunding the police. “This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” she said, praising Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for cutting $150 million from the LAPD budget.

Harris favors assisting more than 4 million people over four years to combat the country’s unaffordable housing crisis by providing an average of $25,000 to all first-time homebuyers. Quite a price tag: $100 billion.

“Shark Tank” star and O’Leary Ventures chairman Kevin O’Leary has criticized this "crazy notion," on the Fox Business program, “Kudlow.” 

He argued that "$25,000 free helicopter money is insane" and will "never happen." "Think about it. You have a shortage. You then flush more helicopter money from the sky. You cause inflation because if you're the seller of a house and you've got 15 bids and you know that person has just received $25,000, you up your price 25,000, the price just went up," he stressed.

He added that the country has "massive supply" problems and "punitive" regulatory policies must be addressed to "get more supply on the market."

O’Leary also criticized Harris’ proposed solution to rising rental costs, which is to impose price controls. Calling it a “Soviet-style pricing" fix, he said, "There’s a huge problem with that."

"Here's what happens to the price control building,” he continued. “No CapEx [Capital Expenditures], no maintenance. It starts to fall apart. There's no incentive for the landowner or the person who built the building to ever spend another dime on it. They just slowly crumble." Price controls distort markets, cause inflation, and reduce supply, he said.

In what may well be the craziest of these ideas, Harris proposes to raise taxes. In her campaign for president, she supports all the tax increases President Biden proposed in the White House fiscal year 2025 budget. First, she wants to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent, increasing costs on businesses, which leads to higher prices.

But the wildest idea to impose a 25 percent tax on unrealized capital gains for people with over $100 million in wealth. Currently, taxpayers pay taxes on the growth in the value of their assets when they are sold, and money is in hand. "Of all the suggestions I’ve heard on taxation, I find that the most offensive," O’Leary said, calling it “un-American.”

"Let's say our business went from being worth 10 million to 20 million over five years. Where am I going to come up with $3 or $4 million cash that I don't even have, that I never had? I mean when you really start thinking pragmatically about these ideas, you understand how bad they are," he said, adding that it "makes no sense whatsoever."

Like many Democrats, Harris does not like the Second Amendment. As the district attorney for San Francisco she supported restrictions on individual gun rights, and in the 2019 campaign supported a “mandatory buyback program” for the government to confiscate firearms.

As Harris still has not done interviews or released a list of her policies, some of these may be dropped and others added. 

We may not know what policies will become part of the campaign, but we can feel confident that there will be more restrictions and pain on the American people, and they will strengthen the radical left’s control over us. 

Watching Kamala Harris today, Karl Marx would be proud.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Zuckerberg shines the light on the control of information

September 3, 2024

Last week, confirmation of a long-held notion of an organized effort to control the information available to the public — which opponents and “fact-checkers” labeled as “false” and “conspiracy theories” — came to light.

A story, attributed to Thomson/Reuters, appeared on, saying that “Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg said senior officials in the [Biden-Harris] administration had pressured his social media company to censor COVID-19 content during the pandemic, adding that he would push back if this were to happen again.”

This revelation came to light in a letter from Zuckerberg to the House Judiciary Committee. He expressed regret for not speaking up about this earlier, and he also expressed regret about some decisions made by Meta Platforms’ applications Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp about removing certain content that had been identified.

In addition to COVID-19 content, information relating to the Hunter Biden laptop that was available ahead of the 2020 election was labeled “Russian disinformation,” and as a result was widely unavailable to the public. Undoubtedly, this same thing happened to other pieces of information.

Zuckerberg deserves some credit for admitting what was suspected for so long. Too bad it took him years to get to this point. 

In the letter, he also said he would “not make any contributions to support electoral infrastructure in this year's presidential election so as to ‘not play a role one way or another’ in the November vote.”

The White House has responded to this revelation with a statement to Fox News in which it did not admit to or deny Zuckerberg’s charge of the administration applying pressure on Meta.

Zuckerberg wrote, "I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret we were not more outspoken about it.” “I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn't make today."

The House Judiciary Committee called Zuckerberg’s admission of Facebook’s censoring of Americans a “big win for free speech.”

This revelation increases the likelihood that some, or perhaps a lot, of the other suspected instances of censoring were also not “conspiracy theories” or “false” information.

It supports the allegations of wide-spread dishonesty in the handling of important information, and that some in our country are willing to play dirty.

The concept of free speech as guaranteed to Americans by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects unpopular speech, and even offensive speech. What is unpopular and/or offensive to one group may well be quite important to another group. 

Without a variety of ideas being freely circulated, how can Americans possibly work their way to a valid understanding of things, so that they can make informed decisions about issues, particularly things as critical as election choices?

And while what Meta and other information sources did may not be against the law, the case that was cited and other similar instances of blocking information certainly is against the spirit of the First Amendment.

What these platforms did certainly interferes with the very reason that our Founders made the amendment protecting free speech the first of the ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. They understood that the people must have all the available information they need and are entitled to, good or bad, popular or unpopular, offensive or not. 

However, such action by elements of our federal, state and local governments definitely is illegal. And Zuckerberg’s message about the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to censor speech ought to anger all of us.

The country is now experiencing a dangerous attack on integrity, honor and honesty. Dishonesty in politics is not new. But it has grown greatly over recent years, and is even more of a problem than ever.

How many newspapers and magazines, TV and radio networks and stations, and internet sites have dishonestly censored ideas that do not match their preferred political ideas? How many in our public education systems are there not to teach the young the things they need to become productive adults, but to indoctrinate them with anti-American ideas?

This lack of honor and integrity is a characteristic of many in the faction that is desperately working to defeat Donald Trump in his effort to be re-elected as President. He is a great threat to their goal of achieving eternal control of the country. This is a goal they cannot achieve through honest means, because this radical socialist/communist goal does not have the necessary support of the electorate. Therefore, their working motto is, “we will win, and we will use any method available to achieve that goal.” 

People with integrity know that they must win honorably and honestly, and if they lose, it must be the result of an honorable and honest effort. That is the American way.

This revelation illustrates what happens when the Constitution and our laws are not followed. Imagine the chaos if the Democrats’ desires to pack the Supreme Court, do away with the Senate filibuster, continue the open-border policy, move control of elections from the states to the federal government, and other radical changes to the country’s operating procedure are put into effect.