
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Pelosi Joins Durbin in the "Stupid-Is-As-Stupid-Does" Club

More nonsense from Democrat leaders in Congress.

"I assume that the war in Afghanistan is over, or is the contention that you have that it continues?" Representative Nancy Pelosi said. Later, the Minority Leader added: "This isn't about the duration of the war. The war in Afghanistan is over."

"Would you prefer that they gave up the fight, stopped hunting for Osama bin Laden and allowed the terrorists to run free?" seven Republicans, all members of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote in a letter to the California Democrat.

One of two things seems correct:

1) These liberals just don’t get it. They don’t understand what is going on around them. They have instead of realistic expectations, a fantasy view of how wars are waged and won.

2) They do understand what is going on, but are so desperate to make political hay that they will say anything – however inappropriate, however untrue, or however harmful to the nation, the troops and the war effort – to try to score points.

I hope it’s the former. I fear it’s the latter.

Either way, the Democrats are (still) out of touch with most Americans.

According to The Washington Times, a “Rasmussen Reports survey conducted this week found that 36 percent of Americans say the detainees are being treated better than they deserve, and another 34 percent say they are being treated about right. Just one in five say the detainees are being treated unfairly, with 10 percent saying they do not know.”

The Rasmussen poll asked: "Most of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are members of al Qaeda, the Taliban and other terrorist groups. Generally speaking, is the United States treating these prisoners unfairly, treating them better than they deserve, or treating them about right?"

The Times reported that the telephone poll of 1,000 Americans, conducted early this week, also found that only 14 percent agree with Sen. Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, who charged that prisoner treatment at Guantanamo is similar to the tactics used by the Nazi or Soviet regimes.

So, according to Rasmussen, 70 percent of those surveyed believe detainees are being treated appropriately or better, while only 20 percent think detainees are being treated “unfairly.” Not surprisingly only 14 percent agree with Sen. Richard Durbin’s absurd characterization of the treatment at the Guantanamo Bay facility.

From the conservative perspective it is a boon for the liberals/Democrats to behave in this petulant and juvenile fashion, because it just illustrates how out of touch they are with mainstream America.

From the American perspective, however, it would be far better for the country if they would just shut up and stop doing so much damage to their country’s image and demoralizing our fighting men and women who are risking their lives daily to protect their right to say and do stupid things.

1 comment:

Buffalo said...

One thing that seems to be a certainity to me; there is no way possible to wipe out all the terrorists. It just isn't going to happen.