“A substantial number of Americans, perhaps a majority, believe that government should dictate where people live, what their housing structures should look like, and how they should be constructed. They believe it is right for government to dictate what curriculum children should study in school. They believe it is right for government to dictate which land should be cultivated, and which land should not be touched by humans. They believe it is right for government to dictate the kind of automobiles that are available for people to purchase. Simply put, a substantial number of Americans believe it is right for government to dictate how people should live. They believe that government should ‘engineer’ society. How different is this modern attitude from the belief system that led Americans into war to defeat the Nazis’ efforts to engineer society.
"How different is this modern attitude from the belief system that led our founders to declare that the Creator, not government, endowed people with equal rights to ‘...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ How different is this modern attitude from the notion that legitimate government is empowered only by the consent of the governed. Society has been successfully engineered to believe that the goal is no longer freedom, but the control of government, which means the control of society, to fit the agenda of the controlling party. The idea of entering public service as an elected official in order to limit the power of government, and maximize the freedom of individual citizens, is an obsolete concept.” —Henry Lamb.
Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization and chairman of Sovereignty International. The Environmental Conservation Organization has as its mission “to advance the principles of freedom and public policy at every level of government, especially in the formulation and implementation of legislation and regulations that affect the environment and private property rights.” Sovereignty international “exists to promote the belief that best government is empowered only by the consent of those who are governed. The consent of those who are governed can only be expressed by free and open elections of officials who are exclusively responsible for enacting public policy.”
Mr. Lamm has identified one of the most serious problems facing America today. Many of us lament the number of politicians and elected officials who are determined to infringe upon the rights of the American people, however, what many or most of us do not understand is that many of the American people also feel this way. Rereading the first few sentences of Mr. Lamb’s quote, many things which Americans see as innocuous are in reality infringements upon our freedoms.
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