
Monday, August 06, 2007

Spoke Too Soon

Well, my celebration, a fairly glorious moment of triumph, was short-lived.

The preceding article dealt with my happiness when my laptop, soaked in a rainstorm that was not forecast or expected, came back to life after 36 hours of worrying about it. This machine, those of you who read the first piece will remember, was put back in use after a newer one failed. However, it was not without its own problems, notably that the battery port had been damaged so that it could not use battery power and had to be plugged in.

Just before dinner time Saturday I shut down the computer so that I could move it outside to play music while we had dinner on the deck. When I tried to start the machine up, it would run for a couple of seconds, and shut down again. It did this several times. The magic of the reset button that had been so effective after the water torture event did not work any magic this time. Nothing made any difference.

The computer is dead.


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