
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Good Grief!!

As if things in the Mid-East aren’t bad enough, now comes word that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is going to meet with the leader of the terrorist organization Hamas. While the United States is trying to isolate the Islamist Palestinian terrorist organization, Mr. Carter plans to meet Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in Syria next week. I wonder what they’ll talk about?

The meeting in the Syrian capital Damascus may also include former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and former South African President Nelson Mandela.

Maybe the best we can hope for will be that Mr. Carter and Mr. Annan will be able to do more together and out of office than either or both of them accomplished while they held office. I suppose we should all hope that the result will be to persuade Hamas to stop killing innocent people, but that seems unlikely, given that one would be hard-pressed to find two people whose list of successes is shorter than these two.

The operative question is: Can they do something to actually make matters worse? If so, get ready.

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